While the latest changes to the Facebook page layout may not have affected image sizes, they have changed the way things overlap your cover photo. This Photoshop file can help you perfect your appearance.
You’ve probably heard the news about the latest changes to Facebook pages. In fact, you’ve probably already been invited to change your page over – if not, it will happen on 23rd June whether you like it or not.
Fortunately, this time it doesn’t change any of the optimum image sizes, but there are ways that other information is displayed over your cover photo that may mean you will want to make some changes.
For example, this is our old cover photo in the new layout:
Yuck! What happened to our lovely text?
A quick fix and this is how it appears now:
Much better!
So, it’s still the magic 851 x 315 pixels (and less than 100k if you don’t want Facebook to apply their own compression) but now the profile photo has moved and the page name and buttons overlap the bottom. Also there is a slight gradient effect near the bottom, but that shouldn’t be too noticeable.
Can you make it easier for me?
Why, yes. Yes we can – we’ve decided to share our very own Photoshop file that we use as a template when creating fairly marvellous Facebook pages for our clients.
There are three layers:
- A hideous green background, just to make sure your photo covers the whole area
- A ‘stencil’ that shows which areas will be overlapped
- A beautiful example of a cover photo
Copy your own image over, use the stencil to make sure you are not going to lose anything useful, and then save just your layer as your new cover photo.
You can download our template here:
 Facebook Cover Photo Template (1.22 MB zip file)
Can you make it even easier?
Yes – we do this for our clients as part of their website packages. Contact us to find out how to become part of our family!